The explanation in English is at the end.
2024/02/04[日] 開演 昼の部 13:30 夜の部 18:00 小ホール
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三遊亭竜楽の語りで、北斎が動く! 北斎が色づく!北斎が飛び出す! そして、ロビーはミュージアム! デジタルな浮世絵と楽しいトークで 大江戸にタイムスリップ! ゲストは世界一の北斎漫画の収集家 浦上満による特別講演。 〇北斎漫画江戸語り 〇北斎漫画を世界一知る浦上満の講演 〇最高水準のTOPPAN画像と実物展示 〇スウェーデン人落語家が英語で解説
※会館HP販売は2024年1月30日(火) 23:59までの取り扱いです。
1.北斎漫画でウケる!? 北斎の描いたとっておきの場面が語りで出現
2.落語に出てくる職人たち 北斎の描いた職人をゲーム感覚で紹介
3.漫画こそ北斎のルーツ デッサンから一枚の浮世絵へ語りでジャンプ!
4.浦上満特別講演 世界一の収集家による北斎漫画レクチャー
5.北斎漫画で遊ぼう!! 客席も参加し漫画に描かれた世界を舞台で再現
6.江戸落語✖️北斎漫画 古典落語と北斎漫画がコラボする一席
【English Translation by Swedish classically trained rakugo performer】
This art show is aimed at a Japanese speaking audience, but part of the presentation will be translated into English to introduce the special expressions of rakugo to a foreign audience.
English commentary will be provided by Sanyutei Kouseinen, who together with Sanyutei Ryuraku has formed the Entertainment Duo "Menikaru" , which strives to increase multicultural understanding and cooperation.
【What is Hokusai Manga】
The famous American magazine called “LIFE” held a special issue titled “The 100 Most Important Events and People of the Past 1,000 Years,” and the only Japanese person selected for the list was the Ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai, who lived during the Edo period.
The Edo period is the name of the era ranging from 1603–1867, following the Warring States Era.
"Hokusai Manga" is a collection of sketches drawn by Hokusai, showing the life in the Edo period from many different angles. It's no exaggeration to say that you can find the whole Edo period described within.
The dynamic drawing style of of the 4000 different sketches brings Hokusai's creativity, humour and playfulness to life.
【Hokusai Manga Edo Storytelling Art Show】
Classically trained rakugo performer Sanyutei Ryuraku gives life to the ukiyo-e imagery displayed on a screen with his storytelling skills, transporting the audience back to the Edo period.
Using digital technology, the Hokusai Manga will be shown on a big screen in many new and innovative ways, making for a comedic and fresh experience.
【Special Lecture by the Greatest Collector of Hokusai Art in the World】
This time the guest speaker is Mitsuru Uragami, the president of Uragami Sokyu-do Co., Ltd, the greates collector of Hokusai Manga in the world. With his extensive knowledge of Hokusai Manga, this lecture is an exclusive opportunity to learn about the history and culture of the Edo period.
【Presenting state-of-the-art digital imagery together with the original art pieces】
Global printing company Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. has provided state-of-the-art digital reproductions of Hokusai's art, to give a more life-like experience.
In the lobby the original artwork is available to be viewed, rounding out the exhibition.